The development of this framework was coordinated by Anthony D. Harriesand Knut L?nnroth, who also wrote the first draft. The Guideline Group alsoconsisted of (in alphabetical order): Meghan A Baker, Mauricio Barreto, NilsBillo, Richard Brostrom, Ib Christian Bygbjerg, Martin Castellanos, SaidiEgwaga, Susan Fisher-Hoch, Christie Y. Jeon, Megan B. Murray, Toru Mori,Salah-Eddine Ottmani, Kaushik Ramaiya, Gojka Roglic, Nigel Unwin, VijayViswanathan, David Whiting, Lixia Wang and Wenhua Zhao. Annex I lists theprofessional affiliation and area of technical expertise for each group member.
Declaration of conflict of interests
Dr Vijay Viswanathan declared that he had received financial support forconsulting and research within the past three years from the World DiabetesFoundation for a project on preventing diabetes among TB patients. No othermember of the group reported any conflicts of interest. Individuals affiliatedwith the World Diabetes Foundation who attended the expert meeting werenot engaged in developing this provisional framework.
Review by date
This provisional collaborative framework is due for revision by 2015.